The term "power" in medicine refers to the ability of the men to the sexual act. According to data from the world Health Organization, only 30% of the men and women of today can boast of a excellent sexual and reproductive health of the system: the remaining 70% are facing different sexual problems, the main of which is the erectile dysfunction. This symptom can appear at any age. Of great importance is the way of life that leads man, the presence of chronic diseases, the balance of the feeding and other factors on which depends the functioning of the primary "male" of the authority.

Let's look at the most effective ways to increase your power of remedies for 3 days or more of the representatives of the stronger sex.
Honey with walnuts
- Both components are taken in equal proportion and mixed, the nuts previously it is necessary to grind.
- The mixture used in the amount of $ 2 teaspoons after eating, drinking milk, morning and night.
The pomegranate juice
If drinking pomegranate juice for about a month, every day, you already feel the effect. He is good, that improves the circulation of blood and, as a result, accelerates the increase of the swelling of the authority. Therefore, pomegranate juice is a popular tool to enhance sexual potency in men, without side effects.
- The turnip is useful to combat erectile dysfunction. This vegetable eaten as the fresh kind, and to be in the water.
- Bake in the milk, which will only increase the effect.
- You can mix the vegetable with the other, making the salad. For example, a salad of carrot and turnip.
Carrot juice
- You can drink it by the half-glass three times a day after meals.
- The carrot, by itself, improves circulation and blood flow in the pelvis, increases the combat capacity of the working of the male organ.
The tincture of berries mountain ash, rosehip seed oil and the leaves of currant
Let's look at the following method of preparation of the tincture for the increase of the power remedies in the home of the men.
- Take the berries of mountain ash in the amount of 150 grams of the berry of the rosa mosqueta 50 grams of leaves of gooseberry also in the amount of 50 grams. All this is washed and poured a liter of water.
- Begin to boil. When boiling keep on a slow fire for 20 minutes.
- Allow it to cool. Now you can drink 3 times a day in the volume of 200 ml at one time.
The banana and kefir
As does this mix:
- Take half a banana and put it in a bowl, where it is milled thick dough.
- Pour in a cup with a weight of finger, add sugar to taste and all mix thoroughly until dissolved.
- Delicious and useful drink after meals or before exercise.
- Instead of kefir you can use varenets, or the cream will sour.
The advantages of the mixture
- In addition to the fact that yes, the banana helps to increase the duration of intercourse, and the improvement of masculine strength. Previously we have already written about the increase of the resistance in the bed, with good techniques to do this.
- And dairy products improve the reproductive capacity and the performance of the seed.
- Together they give an increased effect, and the mixture is considered to men by means of the increase of the power quickly.
Some seafood
- Squid;
- Cancers;
- Mussels and oysters;
- The mackerel;
- Rapana.

All these shellfish are considered aphrodisiacs and are always increasing the activity in the bed.
The garlic tincture
Grind Finely the ritalin two cloves of garlic and pour normal water boiled. This mixture will give you rest for two weeks. Then is used in the amount of a teaspoon a day. In general, by itself, garlic has always been useful for the stronger sex in the bed.
Love drug of dried fruits and wine
- Take in the amount of 100 grams of dried apricots, prunes and raisins, respectively. They pour the cinnamon and sugar one tablespoon. As condiments loose cardamom and cloves.
- To the mixture drop a good red wine and tantalized small fire: first half-hour with not closed of the lid and then the same amount of time with tightly closed.
- What is the sweet of the drugs accepted in the treatment of the sexual power in men remedies in the number of 3 times in a day.
- In him, there is a stimulating hormone of desire towards women.
- Use your vegetables, salads or eat as a side dish for the meat.
- Some like the soup-puree of this ingredient. Added as a condiment to seafood. Still drink the juice of celery.
- You can use the leaves, stems. It is also useful to and the root.
Dried or roasted tomatoes
The best option is to consume vegetable after the heat treatment. That is to say, it is better to turn off or the oven. In this form are stronger that increase the function of the sex glands. The tomatoes also added to the pizza or the pasta.
The soup special recipe
In the old age is a popular tool to enhance sexual potency in men after 50 is this special beef soup. It will also be useful for young people.
The recipe of his is the following:
- For the soup take the meat with bone of veal (also suits of rabbit meat, horse meat or turkey), ground finely ritalin onion. There is added finely chopped onion, the turnip and the carrot.
- All of this is boiled in water and simmer for 30 minutes, adding the parsley.
- Eat a hot dish, with its cream was sour.
The berries of sea buckthorn
The fruits of sea buckthorn are useful in any type:
- salads with oil of sea buckthorn;
- sea buckthorn juice;
- the tea from the berries of sea buckthorn;
- jams and preserves.
How to make tea sea buckthorn
- Take the berries of sea buckthorn and fill boiled water in a ratio of 3 tablespoons of fruit per pint of boiling water.
- Insist on about half an hour.
- Then, drink the mixture, it may be a error of her berries, one drink two times during the day.
- This popular tool for sexual power of men of quick action you can drink it and along with the honey.
The berries of sea buckthorn improve the strength of men, struggling with impotence and regulate the production of hormones.
Quail or eggs
Eggs quail can be consumed raw or in the form of a tortilla. The eggs do not wish to consume raw. You can make an omelet and add the onion, so that will increase the effect.
The fermented dairy products
It is useful to take the milk itself, or to take from them the second. Improving the reproductive capacity. In addition, for the masculine force we distinguish the following fermented products:
- Mare;
- the curd;
- the cottage cheese;
- the kefir;
- solid cheese;
- the cream was sour.
What vegetable is best
Among the vegetation occupy a special place:
- Parsley (normalizes and increases the level of male hormones).
- Spinach (normalizes the blood circulation in the body).
- Onion (to improve the production of testosterone and increases the inclination).
All of these types of vegetation are good that you can add as condiments to the first, second dish or in a wide variety of salads.
Add vegetables in your diet and less parts in the topic on how to increase the potency in men in the household.
The slurry of dried berries and nuts
- In the same proportion take the raisins, peel, prunes, dried figs and peeled, the nuts.
- All of this well mixed and crumble. You can add honey to taste.
- Eat it after dinner for two tablespoons.
- We received this useful and delicious way to increase sexual potency in men remedies.
- To make the porridge, you can take varenets or curd to taste.
Do the kegel exercise
It is an ancient exercise of the taoist sages for the male enhancement strength and to avoid the premature closure of the session. It is very popular and practical.
- The essence of this exercise is in the stress-pubic-coccygeal muscles (which helps us to stop the stream of liquid in the bath, when you go for the small).
- You can do short of the tension and relaxation of this muscle, or many of the tension of a few seconds. It can perform in any place, since no one will guess.
- Another form of training. When your male organ is in a state of alert, you can make him jump by compression and relaxation of this muscle kegel. We have already spoken about the execution of kegel exercises for men at home.
Exercise for the pelvis and not only
Resort to exercise a physical is mandatory, especially if you have a lot of sitting at work.
All of this accelerates the blood in the pelvis and enhancing the blood flow in the sexual organ.
- Conventional lifting.
- The elevation of the knee of the foot at the level of the shoulders alternately different feet.
- Exercises at the press conference (the hands behind the head, the feet are set, get up and throws the body).
- Running long distances is ancient and proven to increase male potency.
- Exercises for the buttocks. For example, "the boat" (being in the belly lift and strip, forward of the hand, and same with the feet, but in the reverse).
- Stretching inguinal muscles.
- Are useful rotational movement of the pelvis.
On these and other popular exercise we have discussed here.
Pumpkin seeds or pumpkin oil
Pumpkin seeds improve libido, their masculine power.
Even pumpkin oil increases fertility, improves the production of male hormones.
Are useful pumpkin seeds with honey:
- Semeny pumpkin in raw finely powdered.
- Mix with the honey in the same proportion and consume around 5 times a day a tablespoon.
We have already written an article on how to improve the sexual power after 50 years of age in the home. Pumpkin seeds are one of the solutions to the problem.
The tincture of nettle leaves, an ingredient for soups
- The leaves of the stinging nettle lava and give the drying. Then, we finely pulverized.
- Then, the nettle fill in with boiled water in a ratio of 100 g in 300 ml of Dan rest.
- Accept the mixture 3 times a day before food intake.
- Washed nettle leaves are also added to soups, sauces.
- The benefits of the stinging nettle, which improves the sexual impulse in force. Use in eating leaves of the stinging nettle is a good answer to the question about what are home remedies for increase sexual power in men.
Ginger with honey

- Dry ginger along with honey in equal proportion consuming three times per day, half a teaspoon of dessert. All of this will take the water.
- Ginger not only stimulates the masculine strength, but also strengthens the immune system.
Ginger with honey is useful for older people and for those who, wondering, if this is the menopause in men.
The tincture of the berries of asparagus
- Take 11 berries of asparagus, washed and allowed to stand in a thermos with boiled water in the volume of 400 ml for approximately 7 hours.
- The mixture is eaten before meals 50 ml three times a day.
- Asparagus is good for the prevention of prostate diseases and the increase of masculine strength.
The tincture of the root of ginseng
- The ginseng root into pieces as you pour the brandy. The root is taken in a proportion of 1 to 20 vodka, respectively.
- The dye is put in place, covered coliseum of the rays of light, and do not touch within two weeks.
- Employ a mixture of 20 to drop 2 times throughout the day before meals.
- Ginseng is useful in that it increases the amount of male hormones and improves the reproductive capacity of the muzhik.
- Ginseng is considered to be in the society, increases sexual potency in men. There is only one but. It is not recommended to drink before bedtime.
In addition to ginseng, we have also spoken on the website and on special techniques for those who lost the erection.
Consider the following thyme.
The tincture of thyme
- Take the flowers of a shrub, wash and pour boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 2. The mix of give it rest for a day. Then drink 2 to 3 times a day.
- The tincture of thyme are useful for the prevention of the occurrence of the impotence or prostatitis, it takes in the order of the production of hormones.
The mixture of cilantro and parsley
The coriander is dried and milled. Add the parsley and fill with the boiled water. The mix of give it rest for a day. The tincture can you drink with the meal or just during the day.
The tincture of the flowers of the grass of san juan
- The flowers of the herb st. john's wort washed and boiled in water in a proportion of 100 g in 300 ml of liquid for 10 minutes.
- How to set up dan stand for 24 hours. Drink about 3 times a day, in amount of 50 year
- The dye restores the circulation of the blood in the body, including the organs of the pelvis.
- St. john's wort is considered one of the good herbs that increase potency in men, and by means of the libido.
A mixture of the root of calamus
- The rhizome of the choir are ground finely and pour the vodka in a ratio of 2 tablespoons of 150 ml, respectively.
- The mix of dan to rest for three days. Then drink 10 drops two times a day.
- Yet the root of this herb in the choir chew like chewing gum.
- The advantages of the root of the herb that helps to improve the rigidity of the dignity of man.
The flowers of the pulmonary
- For the tincture take 20 grams of dried flowers of the pulmonary and pour a glass of boiling water.
- Give it rest for 15 minutes.
- Drink resulting from cooking three times a day before meals.
- You can add the vegetables into salads or side dishes.
- Therefore, using these tips, you will know everything about how to regain the sexual potency of men of remedies without the use of medications.
Ice pack
- Take some ice and crush ritalin into small pieces. Crushed particles are wrapped with a show in five layers, to avoid freezing.
- Now the fair with ice alternately come close to the area of the neck, then the thorax, and ending in the area of the testicles. In each area suffer no more than 1 minute.
- Procedure is repeated 3 or 4 times.
It is useful to contrast shower or a Turkish steam bath
Take your time with the morning or before going to bed to take contrast showers. Type this into a habit.
For the feelings to gradually change the temperature of the water, not jump in immediately in ice water.
At the time of the shower always listen to your body: you feel that freeze put in hot and better stay hot.
Contrast shower, improving the entry of blood into the male organ and affects their work.
Another recommendation
- Take contrast showers, as often as possible. This council shared even the taoist sages with their disciples.
- Forget about the alcoholic beverages.
- Stop smoking.
- Less fat, roast in the diet.
- Notice the sleep mode, which reduces the amount of stress and will have a positive impact in the android power.
- Do not forget to exercise, move around more, play sports.
And this is all. Now that you know a lot of the methods and means to increase the sexual power in men, immediately gathered in our article.
It is also effective to apply them together with products from our web site. Greetings! Very different from the home remedies can be very effective for the increase of the power. Among the great variety of recipes of traditional medicine you want to select several effective and constantly apply. And what are the tools of the best, every man must decide for himself.