In twenty and he is willing to have sex always, to the thirty, and missing two times a week. And after forty - once per month

What to do if sexual intimacy has ceased to be for your dear thing must-have? Scientists do not get tired to prove: the sex is the best time is the panacea. And everything. List of features of this action practically infinite: it acts as an antioxidant and antibiotic, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, cure insomnia, and even lengthens your life! What is the self of universal medicine. However, and here has not passed without very big but: for the tool to work, you must take at least once a week.
Well, when everything is going well, but if your favorite was to avoid intimate situations and since it does not lead you to the bedroom, at the first opportunity? Option two: or your sex life has become, for him, the worst of the radish bitter, or have been left to see a small problem "there".
It is no secret that the desbarajustes sexual of the strong part of the ground you are experiencing especially painful. There is nothing that is not given in its self-assessment, such as problems with the "best friend". The experiences are so global, that occupy almost 90% of the time of men! What here repair broken faucet or planning a family budget, if the game is worth the men and women of all...
Not worth ğsemántica until the close of the difficulties occupies one hundred percent of your attention. The failure in the bed – a temporary phenomenon, and the appropriate approach to resolve the problem. For a start, we must clarify, what exactly was the cause of their "I can't".
Course – health
, Andrólogos (specialists who study the intimate health of the men) have come to the sensational conclusion: in every one of the men homo sapiens made the huge potential of sex, thanks to that is able to meet the 15 (!) the woman in the succession. After that discovery occurs completely logical question: where it finally gets all this sexual energy?
As a result, all the matter in a reasonable, sometimes totally indifferent to their health. Strong the soil is not tired vashti to show the suffering, picking up the common cold, but once symptoms appear the grave – he is or why spices are not direct to your doctor.
And, however, problems in the body not may not affect your sexual stamina. 60% of the cases, the reduction of the power are health-related. And, often, in the masculine "I" affects the upset the body's systems and organs, which as or to: cardiovascular, endocrine, or digestive system. And chronic diseases are able to stable a lower the level of the male hormone, testosterone, up to 15%. That, naturally, leads to a weakening of the libido.
How to help? To recover the sexual power "instead of", it is necessary to treat primary disease. After this return, and of masculine strength. And accustomed to the associated with a healthy lifestyle. For example, smoking is not permitted men to have sex two times more often!

Tired? Rest!
According to the statistics one out of every eight, the man in the planet suffers from cfs (chronic fatigue syndrome). Is long the fatigue, which does not go even after sleep and rest, and reduces the body's functions, it is more than two times. The stress, the overload at work, bad ecology are the basic components of a bouquet called "chronic fatigue syndrome". So if the man is the subject of all these charms, it is unlikely female charms inspire their exploits in the bedroom.
As the test of a little test. If your intimate life, usually below the average, but, surprisingly, it is arranged during the holidays – this is the reason.
All the world knows that the japanese pomeshani in the workplace – are constantly trying to find the perfect formula work. And at the same time are recognized by the asexual of the nation. Conclusion: the work is good, but the rest – a task no less important.
How to help? Give the battle "syndrome of the businessman" is only one way – grab your knight and go with it at the other end of the earth or, at least, in the field house. What is most important to that the phone has been turned off and the vacation lasted not less than two weeks. And the more active, the holiday program, so much the better! To return to normal mode, look for the common hobby, which will prevent your partner to stay at work late.
If the "second heart" shalit
The ancient greeks were aware of the importance of the prostate, and even called the second heart of men. Making the figurines that represented the prostate as a man. The reason is clear: the problem with "the second" will instantly reflect in the intimate life of men, and life in general.
Take the grim prospects of diagnosis is really very simple – freeze, waiting for a favorite in the stop, the exaggeration in the hot tub or make the irregular sexual life.
The presence of prostatitis is characterized by painful or difficulty urinating. And in the chronic form, even of these symptoms might not be, but the first and very unpleasant touch of attention – decline of erection.
While only 10% of men go to a doctor. The remaining 90%, that try to solve problems by means of the viagra or even to waive the intimate life.
How to help? Realizing that your partner became irritable, and your family life can be called as is, but it is not sexual, it is urgent to take measures. Make the course of animal: tell my husband that you have some type of problem, and the gynecologist has advised also reviewed. So the visit to the doctor, will not cause damage to your ego. To prevent the disease, it is not worth the setting of the interventions of prevention tests with the urologist, and the reception is a multivitamin.
As in the first time

You get the two, he takes care of you, but when it comes to the more interesting, don't get it... it Is a nightmare for any man, and no matter how brave and sure of who is in himself male, he still has fear of failure in bed. Especially if this is your first appointment intimate. And especially if you strongly like you. Such faults more often still inexperienced young people, who don't really know how to give pleasure to the companion. But and older men may experience a painful failure, especially when it is not sure of himself.
How to help? If an incident has occurred, in any case, joke about it. Simply translates the attention on something else. Finally, there are a lot of other not less than best ways of achieving orgasm. This can be the caress of the hands or cunnilingus. And when upset gentleman feel comfortable and relax, finally, it can brighten up you powerful erection.
All the rollers!
The secret of the mountain-long-livers – in the work a physicist: even over centennial overseas, they do not leave their most important regular classes of the economy.
We have more frequency is the sum of it another way: the sedentary lifestyle it is a reality that not meters. And if with the work of all is clear: here you want to or not, and in their eight hours on the table should mention, the rest is a disaster. If your noble spends the weekend on the couch – it is unlikely that the best way to save power, safe and sound. The consequences of this area: the intensity of the current of the lymph, the stagnation in the intestine in addition to a collection of other problems, which are not the best way affect the health. For example, the reception of the life behind the wheel affects the blood circulation in the genitals, and this leads to inflammation of the prostate.
How to help? The output of one: getting to be sweet, on skates or skis! The fact that saving your love life only ever be able to speed in sports that require the functioning of the muscles of the pelvic floor. Yes, and any other physical load, in addition to the chess, will benefit – whether it be football, basketball or jogging.
The power determines the ability of the men to the sexual act. And is characterized by the degree of tension in the penis, the speed of the onset of the erection and the intensity of the sexual life in general.
For 30 years, the frequency of sexual intercourse in men, on average, 2 to 3 times a week. At the same time, almost 25% of the couples live the sexual life not more than once a month, and about 10% enjoying a friend of an intimate friend of the communion only once every six months, at least!
Increase libido with gusto!
The food not only can satisfy the hunger of a starving man-collector, but and thrill. Gives food to his aphrodisiac, and the result will not ğsemántica!
An important man to obtain the degree of protein – meat, fish, eggs. So through the stomach lies the path not just to your heart!
There is nothing that does not contribute to the activity in the bed, as the most normal of the tortilla. Seafood will help your partner to tune in to the erotic of the wave – oysters (and also Rapana, mussels, and other marine, chile) are considered to be aphrodisiacs.
Citrus – only the treasure of all kinds of vitamins! In order to become the sex-giant, couple enough to eat paul-lemon along with the skin of 2 to 3 hours before the close of the appointment. The night, full of passion, guaranteed!
Well-known oriental recipe of tea, with the addition of spices (clove, ginger and saffron). And here in the caucasus for the strengthening of the masculine strength serves dishes from the testicles of a ram. Say, delicious!
The famous French lovers eat fresh, artichokes and snails, in Central asia for the strengthening of the masculine force used the pistachios. In india, a traditional dish in these cases, it is considered roasted seeds of sesame mixed with honey. And here is the Italian cuisine is simply satiated by different natural aphrodisiacs: garlic, olive oil, tomatoes, these ingredients are in almost any dish of the national cuisine. That is why hot Italian male are famous for their increased libido!
History of the drink no. 9

To prepare a miracle drug, it is not necessary to find magical reference. All you need, a long time ago invented and is actively used by the fans of herbal medicine.
One of the most famous recipes of the mixture of honey with walnuts. Mix in equal proportions of honey and shredded kernel of the nuts and let this mix a couple of 2 teaspoons of after 30 minutes after eating in a period of 3-4 weeks.
Considered effective for the collection of herbs, mint, nettle, clover and st. john's wort. It is necessary to take teaspoon of each herb, pour 1 liter of boiling water and stand for about an hour. Liquid colada drink the infusion of her husband by the glass three times a day.
As an option, the enjoyment of another pasta. Take 100 g of dried apricots, prunes, raisins, a tablespoon of sugar, add to taste cinnamon, clove and cardamom. All pour the red wine and tormented the mixture to simmer: half an hour without the cover, and then the same amount of time in the casserole. This syrup let the husband of one tablespoon three times a day.
We lift up the tone of the
- The erection depends on the other, and how to train the muscles. Say, physically strong, the man is always sexually active!
- Physical education. If you do not have the desire to conquer the peaks of the mountains skiing, simply paris with moving around a lot. As an option all day walking or at least walking around at night.
- Relaxing massages. In the human body, a large number of points, able to relax and re-energize. And on the feet there are sections that are in charge of the sexual health mood. Regular massage or walk of the house the rug is going to stimulate these areas and give place to a man in the desired state.
- Contrast showers. It improves the circulation of blood and trains the glasses. Taking along with him on the floor of the fields of he in the area of the pelvis first in cold water and then hot. After the participation in the bathroom, crushed it with a towel, and the flow of blood in the insured location.
- A sauna. Accelerates the circulation of the blood, which improves sexual desire. And even intervene in the production of the hormone of happiness.